Kristen Wiig and the “Saturday Night Live” cast and crew totally nailed the Mannequin Challenge

The Mannequin Challenge is the silly, frozen video challenge that’s sweeping the nation. Participants stand perfectly still in a pose that makes them look like a mannequin, while a camera moves around the room filming. The results can be awesomely eerie. Even the SNL cast and Kristen Wiig rocked the Mannequin Challenge yesterday as Kristen prepped for her gig as SNL host this week. Of course, when Saturday Night Live takes on a challenge, they have to make it adorably goofy. We were falling out of our chairs laughing, much like a couple of the cast members.

Check out Kristen Wiig and the cast of Saturday Night Live nail the Mannequin Challenge here:

Naturally, everyone was hilarious. We particularly liked Aidy Bryant blowing a bubble with her gum, Alex Moffat spilling paint, and, of course, Pete Davidson falling out of his chair. We were also crazy impressed by how everyone reset into different mannequin poses behind Kristen Wiig at the end. But as she so often does, Leslie Jones stole the show.

Leslie wandered into the crowd of mannequins, asking, "Why you all still, still like this?"

Although, we’ve gotta say, we also enjoy seeing SNL get things moving.

Whether they’re mannequins or not, Kristen Wiig and the SNL cast are the funniest people we know!

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