Kristen Stewart’s thoughts on facing her “SNL” fears are relatable-slash-inspirational as hell

Realistically, very few of us will ever have the opportunity to host Saturday Night Live, like Kristen Stewart will this weekend.

However, virtually all of us can probably name something we’ve wanted to try for years, but have been too afraid to tackle for various reasons. Whether it’s skydiving, running a marathon, traveling through Europe, or even attempting a career change, we all have that one thing that’s been on our mind forever — that thing that we dream about at night, but never take the steps to accomplish during the harsh light of day.

For Stewart, hosting SNL was that thing for a very long time. But, as she explained to Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show ahead of her big night on February 4th, she only very recently was able to get over it — and all it took was realizing that failure is not as bad as we make it out to be.

“For six years, I’ve just been being a total wuss about it and then I finally was like, at some point, you just have to bite the bullet, you know?” Stewart began.

"Just fail. It will make you stronger, man."

And whether or not the show ends up being any good, Stewart noted that it’s been “really, really fun” rehearsing the chaos with stars like Leslie Jones, who appears alongside Stewart in the episode’s promos.

We’re so glad that Stewart finally conquered her fear, because she’s been talking about hosting the show publicly for years. Way, way back in 2010, Stewart told E! that she would “love to say yes” to hosting but also found it “really, really scary.”

“I am so critical of myself and then also of people who are on the show,” she explained at the time. “It’s like, ‘Nope, you’re not funny—next!’”

Hopefully Stewart won’t judge herself too harshly once everything is said and done — because the simple fact that she conquered her fear and tried something as bold as hosting Saturday Night Freaking Live is pretty incredible, and again, an inspiration for those of us who have allowed similar fears to hold us back.

And hey, if Donald Trump can do it…

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