Kristen Stewart tells ‘Marie Claire’ she’s done with saying “sorry.” Yes, yes, yes to this!
‘Tis the time of the Kristen Stewart renaissance, and we could not be happier. K-Stew’s latest motto is to live life for yourself without caring about others’ opinions, and that’s evident based on her latest Marie Claire interview. The full interview will be hitting stands on July 21, but the excerpt is up on the publication’s site, and that alone is chock-full of fabulously strong, feminist gems that resonate so much with so many of us who have used our 20s to come into our own.
It’s actually been an awesome year for Stewart. Back in February, the actress hit the nail on the head about a “taboo” word: “feminism.” And she made some really smart observations on women being afraid to say the F-word. “I feel like some girls around my age are less inclined to say, ‘Of course I’m a feminist, and of course I believe in equal rights for men and women,’ because there are implications that go along with the word feminist that they feel are too in-your-face or aggressive,” she explained to Wonderland. “They don’t get that there’s no one particular way you have to be in order to stand for all of the things feminism stands for.” PREACH, girl.
And now, Kristen awesomely brought up another key word to Marie Claire — this time, it’s a word we should use less of. That word? “Sorry.” “Lately, I’ve been doing less of the ‘I’m sooooo sorry,’” she explained. “And more of the ‘No. F*ck. Jesus.’” YES. This reminds us so much of Amy Schumer’s skit called “I’m Sorry,” which highlights (in a hilarious way) how women are programmed to apologize for pretty much every single thing they do.
Kristen has done away with “sorries” and has also made peace with her public image. She has dealt with a TON of unfair and cruel backlash throughout her career, which was incredibly difficult for her to deal with as a young actress. But now, she’s moving on and keeping her head held high. “I’m really proud that I am able to move forward and not fall into every mental crater,” she told Marie Claire. “That’s a new thing for me. Age has made me smarter and calmer. And it is f*cking awesome.” YAAAAS.
She also explained why she chopped off her hair into the fab ‘do she has now: because she realized she was hiding behind it. “My hair was such a crutch,” she told the magazine. “I looked quote unquote ‘sexy’ no matter what. I could hide behind it. As soon as I didn’t have all that hair, I had to let my face hang out. I felt more confident than I had in a really long time. And it felt really good. Maybe to most people long hair is prettier. But then what? Is your main goal in life to be desired?”
It’s clear that Kristen’s growing into herself. She’s stopped caring about what other people think and is dedicating her life to simply being herself, unabashedly. And it is absolutely, 100% awesome. Now, Kristen has released herself from “girl-prison,” in which girls must be, “I believe the operative words are, accessible, easy, and uncomplicated,” in her words. “I lit my universe on fire,” she told the magazine, smiling, “and I watched it burn.” What brazen, bold words —we’re totally on board with this new, fearless Kristen Stewart.
“Speaking very candidly,” she explained, “it was a really traumatic period in my early 20s that kick-started something in me that was a bit more. . . feral.”
Kristen Stewart, way to be totally real and rad and not give a hoot what anyone thinks —it’s as inspirational as it is refreshing.
(Image via Twitter)
Kristen Stewart on feminism, Hollywood, and sexism (applause necessary)
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