Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenberg remind us exactly why we should #askhermore

If you’ve followed awards show coverage this past year, you’ve seen that amidst predictions of who’s going to win the Oscar/Golden Globe/Grammy/whatever, there’s been talk of #askhermore, a hashtag that was started by The Representation Project to call out the sexism of red carpet questions (e.g. men are asked about the art they have created, women are asked what designers they are wearing). Once you start analyzing red carpet coverage, it’s a little shocking how differently men and women are treated by their interviewers, and it’s straight-up depressing to watch as men are treated like great thinkers, artists, and visionaries while women are constantly having that dang mani-cam shoved at their digits.

In a we’re-dying-it’s-so-funny video for Funny or Die, Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenberg take a page from Mark Ruffalo and ScarJo’s book and flip the script on sexist interviews. In the video, they explain that the studio asked them to promote their upcoming film American Ultra (August 21st, can’twaitcan’twaitcan’twait), by interviewing each other. However, Eisenberg is unsettled when Stewart begins asking him the kinds of questions she and her fellow actresses are asked on the red carpet (“Do you have any favorite designers?” “Are you seeing anyone right now?” “What kind of face peel did you have done to make you look glowy and young?”) whereas Eisenberg’s cards instructed him to ask Stewart the kinds of questions he and his fellow actors are typically asked on the red carpet, like “How did you bulk up for the role?” and “Have you always been funny?” Eisenberg is uncomfortable being asked the kinds of things actresses are always asked, he loathes how way-too-personal and often outright inappropriate the q’s are.

“I just feel like a lot of the questions you’re asking me are not about, like, about the movie,” he sputters at one point, and actresses everywhere are like “Yeah. We KNOW.”

We won’t spoil the end of the vid (because no one likes a spoiler) but rest assured that it totally delivers on the promise of this premise — to highlight how ridiculous the treatment women receive on the red carpet really is, and how interviewers seriously need to get their equality on and start treating the men and women they interview as, you know, equals.

Also, there may or may not be a mani-cam in this vid.

Just yanking your chain, of COURSE there’s a mani-cam in this vid.

And without further ado, it’s video time!

Related reading:

#AskHerMore- The movement that calls out reporters for asking female celebs sexist questions

Kristen Stewart tells Marie Claire she’s done with saying “sorry.” Yes, yes, yes to this!

Watch Mark Ruffalo answer the sexist questions ScarJo deals with all the time

[Image via Funny or Die]

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