Kristen Bell posts pic of Dax Shepard as a “dad beast,” is making us giggle-swoon

Ever since Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard’s first child arrived, they’ve been nailing the parenting game. Their two kids – 3-year-old Lincoln and 1-year-old Delta – most likely have the best time ever with their hilarious parents. (So… Kristen and Dax, would you perhaps want to adopt us?)

Now, here’s some proof that they’re killing it at parenting…

When baby Lincoln was born, they both tweeted the best birth announcements:

And the announcements got even better when baby Delta was born:

Bell and Shepard lovingly share diaper duty:

And Bell refers to her post-baby weight as “Lincoln Leftovers,” which is the cutest, most body-positive way to describe it.

They constantly reaffirm their love for each other by posting sweet pictures, and we fall more and more in love with their love every time.


Like this picture Bell posted over the weekend of dad extraordinaire (AKA Shepard) being an all-around hero: 

“The #dadbeast is In full effect today! #threeseater…and a basket. What a stud. @daxshepard,” she captioned the photo.

A three-seater bike is no joke. It takes someone with serious stabilizing and balancing abilities to casually ride a bike with three humans on board. Even if two of the humans are small, it’s still a huge feat. So props to Shepard for always being a studly #dadbeast. And props to Bell for being a #mombeast right alongside him.

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