KJ Apa took a selfie with his “Riverdale” stunt double, and we almost can’t handle two Archies

As if one Archie wasn’t enough, we have reason to believe that an upcoming episode of Riverdale is going to have a serious twinning situation going on. Yesterday, actor KJ Apa shared a selfie with his Riverdale stunt double in his Instagram story. Two Archies? We’re listening.
Apa also shared a video of himself wrestling, which is a sport we haven’t really seen his character partake in before. It shows Apa practicing some moves, getting thrown to the floor, and then taking someone down himself. Season 2 of Riverdale is not messing around.
We’re not positive, but it looks like Archie is about to be — at least for one episode of The CW show — a wrestler. (Fingers crossed that Archie is a better wrestler than songwriter.) And given that episode 11 is titled “Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wrestler,” we’re guessing that’s where he might make his debut.
Apa’s selfie definitely made us do a double take. His stunt double looks SO much like him. The tousled red hair is perfect!
And here’s a screen grab of the gang practicing their wrestling moves.
Apa also shared a group photo of the cast in Riverdale Wrestling gear.
Umm…where can we buy Riverdale Wrestling tees? Just take our money. Hopefully, Apa doesn’t sustain any more injuries during filming. Remember when he broke his hand punching through ice while filming that ~dramatic~ scene in Season 1? Fortunately, it looks like he’s working with pros!