If you’re feeling sad, just watch this teeny kitten learn to drink water

Look guys, drinking water can be hard, especially when you’re a cat. I know this as a fact, because my own cat — French Fry — has to spill the entire bowl of water all over the kitchen floor in order to drink from it. But maybe Fry could use a couple pointers from Ben, this three week old kitten who has a pretty genius method for staying hydrated.

Uploaded by Youtube user Spot the Kitty, the half-a-minute video shows Ben trying to get the hang of the whole drinking thing. But he’s so impossibly tiny that he has to use a clever trick to get the single drops of water that fill him up safely into his mouth.

This is exactly the sort of thing we all need on a Tuesday. Just look at the tiny ears, and big eyes, and little itty bitty nose! The adorableness of this kitten defies all logic. He could basically go swimming in his water dish! Ben the kitten, you have stolen my heart!

(Image via Youtube)


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