Let’s drop everything and all talk about the Kitten Bowl

Stop what you’re doing and prepare yourself for the world’s cutest “competition.” I’m talking about Hallmark Channel’s Kitten Bowl, which will be back with a furry feline fury for its third season later today.
Warning: Extreme cuteness ahead.
The Kitten Bowl is a great cat-lovers alternative to Animal Planet’s popular “Puppy Bowl.” Though, to be fair, both bowls could both be recorded and played over and over again to make sure you don’t miss any highlights. So you really don’t need to choose between the two.
And if you, like most people, love spending hours watching delightful cat videos, the Kitten bowl is the perfect alternative to that other game that’s also happening today where people are throwing around what I believe is called a “football” or whatever.
Like the other popular Bowl, there will be fouls, color commentators, and a score kept. But, let’s be honest, everybody wins in the Kitten Bowl.
I mean, just look at those faces!
Or you could record it and watch that other so-called “Super” game, if you please. But just know you’ll be missing out on some pretty intense cuteness.
So, you know, choose wisely.
You can check out The Hallmark Channel website for some great pre-game highlights. Which, for those of you who don’t speak sports, just means more heart-growingly cute cat videos.
No matter where you stand on the epic dog vs cat debate (or Broncos vs Panthers, if you’re into that sort of thing), I think we all can agree that watching precious little kittens play with tiny footballs brings us all one step closer to world peace.