Without further ado, we present to you a kitchen made entirely of yarn

Some fun knitting news, you guys! (PS this is a big day for knitters, “fun knitting news” isn’t really a 365 kind of thing.) Coming from Australia, a knitting group proved that knitting isn’t just for socks and vegetable-shaped hats anymore. Indeed a group of 50 knitters got to work and knit a kitchen. Yes, a kitchen kitchen and it’s made completely out of yarn and is entirely impressive.

The “knitchen,” (fun with words AND knitting!) is a kitchen replica where every single thing is made out of fabrics (Literally every. single. thing). The room features a whole lotta knitting, crochet work, weaving, and felting. The knitchen was built for last year’s Jumpers and Jazz Festival — a music and textile art festival that takes place in Warwick, Australia — but is having a moment in the Internet sun now. No word on what a yarn turkey leg tastes like, but our guess is fuzzy and bland.

Thankfully, we will soon get to see even more creativity from this super-talented group of knitters — they are working on a follow-up project for the 2015 festival, which will take place in July. We haven’t heard what they’ll be replicating this time, but if it’s anything like the knitchen, we’re already on board.

Take a look at the cool photos of said knitchen (including yarn table salt and pepper, yarn water, yarn peas, yarn jam, yarn flames, yarn butter, yarn . . . ):

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