Kit Harington revealed he “blew” his proposal to Rose Leslie

When Jon Snow first met Ygritte on Game of Thrones, he was naive, boyish, and truly “knew nothing.” But he’s a weathered man of the Wall now, which is why we were surprised to learn that real-life Kit Harington totally “blew” his proposal to Rose Leslie. Has he learned nothing from his character’s growth?
Recently, Harington sat down with Jonathan Ross on his British television talk show and explained how he uh, “blew [his] load early” during his proposal.
"Sorry, that’s a really bad expression!" Harington said. "What I meant to say was, I popped my question a bit early. Not blew my load."
Harington told Ross that he had been planning to “string up some lights in some trees,” and pull out all the romantic stops. However, plans changed the day before.
"But we were in the country and we were under this beautiful night sky and had a log fire burning and red wine and I blew my load early," Harington revealed, before revising his word choice.
Wedding plans are apparently already in the works, and Harington told Ross that a Game of Thrones producer has been notified that filming schedules need to be changed so the entire cast of characters can attend the event. Harington joked that his producer had no choice but to agree.
"I rang him up and I said, 'I’m getting married and it’s your fault actually'... I was like, 'You need to factor in a Game of Thrones wedding by the way.' [The cast] have all got to be there so the whole thing has got to shut down."
The couple also announced their engagement in The Times of London, which is just so freaking cute.
Even though we need the next season of Game of Thrones to come out yesterday, we’re totally cool with it being ~a little~ late if need be so everyone can party on Harington and Leslie’s behalf.