Good news, Kit Harington will be back on HBO in *one month*

Fans of HBO’s Game of Thrones can rejoice: Kit Harington will be back on HBO in a little over one month. Seriously. Jon Snow, the King in the North, is returning to HBO for a miniseries in December.

Kit Harington will be back on HBO for a three-part limited series called Gunpowder.

Gunpowder is produced by BBC One. According to The Hollywood Reporter, it’s a thriller that’s “based on the real-life 17th century events that led to Guy Fawkes Day.”

As if it couldn’t sound anymore intriguing, or more English, Gunpowder stars Harington as Robert Catesby. Catesby was “the driving force behind the Gunpowder Plot” of 1605. Oh, and Harington is also a direct descendent of Catesby’s. So there’s that, too.

The Gunpowder cast also includes Liv Tyler and Mark Gatiss, among others.

While it’s unclear whether Harington had any role in the casting process, he is largely responsible for bringing this project to life.

As THR reports, Harington announced that he’d conceived and developed Gunpowder with producer Daniel West over a period of three years. The pair are “thrilled to share this unique story with the U.S. audience,” who might’ve learned everything they know about Guy Fawkes from none other than V for Vendetta. Said Harington, “I can’t think of a better place to do that than my home at HBO.”

Gunpowder seems to be just what Game of Thrones fans will need to tide them over until winter comes. Consider Kit Harington’s return to HBO the network’s holiday gift to us all.

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