Here’s King Joffrey holding a pug because why not

Hey, what do you think Jack Gleeson, who played the infamous King Joffrey, is up to now that he’s free from Game of Thrones? He’s been hanging out at dog parks, naturally!

A woman named May Carolan in the Cool Dog Group on Facebook uploaded a photo of him with her pug, hanging out. The dog, a pug named Phyllis, was not exactly immediately won over by the actor.

“Phyllis met Joffrey from Game of Thrones in the park,” Carolan wrote, according to Mashable. “She is quite rightly very suspicious of him.”

Quite rightly indeed! Apparently Phyllis is a GoT fan and no one who has watched the show could possibly be Team Joffrey. And yes, it is possible for Phyllis to watch TV if her owners have HD television, since dogs can see HD. Just, you know, fun fact.

Without further ado, see King Joffrey Jack Gleeson’s jaunty face and a very uncertain pug for yourself:

If you’re curious about what else Gleeson has been up to since he retired from being the most hated character on GoT, Vulture report that he’s taken a break from Hollywood to “run an Irish theater company and produce a crazy comedy about cryogenically frozen bears with his BFFs” called Bears in Space. As you do. Apparently the actor has gotten multiple action film role offers, but he prefers something he’s got a personal stake in creatively to big-time stardom. We can get with that.

(Images via HBO, Twitter)

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