Kindness Uncovered: Meet Grandma Betty
We all love grandmas. Our own, other people’s, little old ladies we see on the street; they are generally sweet and sassy and have reached the age where they can say what they are thinking with little consequence, have amazing stories and even better dance moves. In general, they are the best. Lucky for us, Zach Belden decided to share his adorable, strong-willed grandmother with the whole world, quickly making her an internet sensation. If you haven’t met Grandma Betty, allow me to introduce you.
Grandma Betty is 80 years old and resides in Louisville, Kentucky with a very special great-grandson. Earlier this year, Betty was diagnosed with terminal cancer, a difficult reality for her family, especially great-grandson Zach. Shortly after the diagnosis, Zach created an Instagram account to which he posts daily photos and videos of his great-grandmother. Originally meant to keep friends and family updated on Grandma Betty’s daily activities and progress, the account has quickly made her an internet sensation, her popularity fueled by positivity, adorable dancing and a general zest for the life she has left.
The most amazing aspect of kindness is that the act itself has the power to bring great joy to both the recipient and the giver. Grandma Betty represents a sort of kindness trifecta that has warmed not only her and Zach’s hearts, but also the hearts of many onlookers around the world. Zach, a teenager facing a very difficult reality, has made the absolute best of one of life’s greatest hardships. He has vowed to bring as much joy to his great-grandmother as possible as she battles cancer, a joy she has certainly recognized. During recent interviews, Betty has told reporters that Zach spends all his spare time by her side and is always taking fun photos and videos.
“He loves me so much,” said Betty. “He doesn’t want to lose me and is just good to me.”
Zach is an everyday superhero who is putting his own heartache aside to show pure love and genuine kindness to someone who is clearly a very special part of his life. While Zach’s time is obviously the greatest gift, Grandma Betty’s Instagram account also continues to bring her daily joy and excitement. Her family shares in her delight every time she asks how many more followers she has, proclaiming that she feels like a celebrity every time they tell her she has a new fan. These days, great-grandma must be feeling like an A-list Oscar winner as she has acquired over 374,000 followers. Among her fans are Pharrell Williams, who was likely particularly fond of grandma’s Happy dance, and Cara Delevingne, who replicated Betty’s fun-loving, candied blue tongue photo. Famous or not, each and every follower is putting a smile on Grandma Betty’s face, bringing her happiness as she battles cancer.
As always, kindness is contagious. While it is most heartwarming to know that Grandma Betty feels love and happiness during this time, she has also inspired a great deal of people. Her account shows us all the ups and downs of battling cancer but teaches us the power of positivity. While we see this little grandma experience some tough days in her photos, what her followers have fallen in love with is that she focuses on the good by showing off her spectacular dance moves and her fun-loving, happy nature with signature tongue-out or peace-sign up pictures. Betty, with Zach by her side, is creating her own happiness and encouraging us all the do the same. Quite possibly one of the most famous grandmothers in the country, Betty now even has a P.O. Box and is regularly receiving letters and thoughtful packages from fans and supporters who want to celebrate her.
There is nothing more wonderful than seeing thousands of people rally behind a singular act of kindness. When Zach Belden chose to brighten his great-grandmother’s day he gave her a wonderful gift and, in turn, gave each of us a piece of Grandma Betty and her happiness. If the world were full of Zach’s and Grandma Betty’s, it would be a much sweeter place where each day was filled with amazing little dances of happiness.
What do you say, Gigglers? Can we all rally behind Grandma Betty? Show your support for everyone’s new favorite grandma and put a smile on her face by following her on Instagram, @grandmabetty33. Feel like spreading a little kindness? Upload your own Instagram photo or video in support of Grandma Betty with the hashtag #HelloGigglesLovesGrandmaBetty. Give a little love and I promise you’ll get even more in return from this sweet lady.
Feature Image via Grandma Betty’s Instagram!