We’re kind of obsessed with the fact that Whoopi Goldberg rocked a Vetements hoodie

Few women have successfully carved out paths for themselves as psychic nuns only to later dominate daytime television, but Whoopi Goldberg has done it all and more — and we are 100% here for it. Carrying on her legacy of magic, on Monday Whoopi wore a Vetements hoodie on The View, with the singular conviction of a woman who requires permission from no one for nothing.

The hoodie from the popular French brand Vetements appropriately said: “May the bridges I burn light the way.

As you can see from her facial expression, Goldberg gives exactly zero cares about how many bridges she may have to burn along the way, or the fact that the sweatshirt costs a whopping $1,050 on the Nordstrom website. Perhaps she is also a fan of Beverly Hills, 90210’s Dylan McKay, who famously uttered these very same words.


Naturally, both lovers of Vetements and Goldberg alike took to Twitter to pour out their love and LOLz.


While Goldberg might be the latest star to rock the ever popular French fashion label, she’s certainly not the first. Earlier this summer we drooled in admiration when Celine Dion wore a Titanic sweatshirt from Vetements, and unsurprisingly looked bomb as well.

The design house proved themselves masters of the loungewear game when Selena Gomez was seen wearing Vetements sweatpants around town. They cost a mild $665, the average price for a brand boasting $1500 loungewear outfits.


If you peek at her Instagram, Goldberg not only kills it in Vetements, but has been slaying the shoe game as well!

Can she please take us shopping for shoes and sweatshirts?!

Seriously though, Vetements or not, Goldberg is the QUEEN of style!