The “Kimmy Schmidt” season 2 teaser is here and we’re watching it on repeat

Netflix is really good at making us wait for the things we really want in life. Like season 2 of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

The first photos from season 2 were released two months ago, but with no trailer. And today, we still don’t have a trailer, but we do have a TEASER TRAILER! Which obviously isn’t as exciting as a full length trailer, or let’s be honest, season 2 in its entirety — but we’ll take it. Because a little bit of Kimmy, Titus and Jacqueline is better than nothing at all.

The teaser is 30 seconds of hilarity (i.e. “hashbrown no filter!”), a little bit of NYFW vibes, and it has us so excited for the show’s second season, which premiers on April 15. And since April 15 isn’t soon enough, we’ll settle for watching the teaser on repeat.

And since Netflix announced a third season of the show, we’ll be able to rest easy after we finish binging season 2. Because we’ll be able to Netflix and chill with Kimmy and co for at least one more season after that! KIMMY FOREVER.

Here’s the teaser:

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