Kim Kardashian has pledged to pay a released prisoner’s rent for five years

When Kim Kardashian learned about the case of Alice Johnson, a woman sentenced to life in prison for a nonviolent drug offense, she took action, becoming an outspoken proponent of criminal justice reform. Thanks in part to her efforts, Johnson was granted clemency in June 2018—and it seems that Kardashian’s advocacy hasn’t stopped there. Recently, the reality star pledged to pay released prisoner Matthew Charles’ rent for five years.
On March 9th, The Tennessean reported that Charles had been released on January 3rd after being incarcerated for more than 20 years over a nonviolent drug offense. Since then, he’s bought a car and found a full-time job, but he was still turned away when he attempted to rent a town house. That’s when Kardashian stepped in. Tim Hardiman, a senior producer at CMT in Nashville, told Us Weekly on March 11th that the reality star has offered to pay five years of Charles’ rent. Hardiman said that Charles “was overwhelmed by Kim’s offer and graciously accepted.”
"Her generosity will allow him to save enough money to eventually put a down payment on a house," Hardiman told Us Weekly. "It’s truly changed his life."
Charles himself shared the news in a March 10th Facebook post.
"Kim did not do this for attention or publicity, but I had to share it, because it's [too] good not to, and my heart is about to burst with happiness, that I wish you to rejoice in this news with me," he wrote.
As the Tennessean notes, Charles was sentenced in 1996 and originally released in 2016 after a judge ruled in favor of shortening his 35-year prison term. But an appeals court reversed this decision, and he was forced to return to prison in 2018. When President Donald Trump passed a new criminal justice reform law in late 2018, Charles was released for good.
We’re wishing Charles all the best in his new life, and—thanks to Kim—we’re feeling inspired to pay it forward today.