Kim Kardashian spray painted her abs in famous selfie, reminder that perfection isn’t real

Kim Kardashian has been credited with the “perfect” body, and even ~broke the internet~ that one time with a nude pic that was only the first of many. But even Kim K craves a little bit of help sometimes, so for her super popular selfie she literally got abs spray tanned onto her body. Yeah, like, for real.

"Nothing like a midnight spray tan, you guys," Kim K said in the Snap.

Apparently it was *quite* an experience, which doesn’t surprise us. We for sure feel like Kim K would be a super great time!

The artist behind the spray tan, Fabiola Trujillo of Sobe Tan by Fabiola, said in a Facebook post. "#spraytanning #kimkardashian in #Miami last night was so fun."


According to People, Trujillo explained,

“While I was spray tanning Kim between layers as she likes to get dark she would go outside and took this Snapchat while drying, have to admit spray tan looks pretty awesome on her and even painted her abs while spraying her!!

And, hello, instant abs! Proof that even celebs with absolutely lusted-after, “perfect” bodies still take a step or two (or a zillion) to get closer to an ideal none of us can really match.

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