Kim Kardashian West spoke about her horrific robbery, and it sounds truly traumatizing

In the latest episode of the long running reality series Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kim Kardashian West spoke about her horrific robbery for the first time, and it sounds absolutely traumatizing.
Last year in October, reality TV star and entrepreneur Kim Kardashian West was held at gunpoint by two masked robbers during a stay in Paris. The star had millions of dollars worth of jewelry stolen, including her ring with an estimated value of $4.49 million.
Following the incident, the star took an extended leave of absence from social media, and changing up how she engages with platforms like Instagram and Twitter.
Now Kim Kardashian West has spoken about her experience last year for the first time, and it sounds completely horrendous.
As was previously teased last week, in the latest episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, which aired yesterday (March 19th), Kim opened up about what happened in October.
As she explained in the episode, the star was awakened at 4:30 am on the morning of the incident after hearing footsteps on the stairs of the rented accommodation she was staying in.
After assuming that it was her sister and her friend returning home from a party, Kim called out but didn’t get a response.
“At that moment, when there wasn’t an answer, my heart started to get really tense. I knew something wasn’t quite right,” she said.
The star then recalled seeing two men dressed as police officers holding down the concierge and handcuffing them while shouting something in French (she later told how she’d learned that they were saying “‘Where’s the rapper’s wife? Let us up to her room!”).
Kim then detailed what happened next.
"They dragged me out on to the hallway on top of the stairs," she said. "That’s when I saw the gun clear, like clear as day. I was kind of looking at the gun, looking down back at the stairs. I was like; ‘I have a split second in my mind to make this quick decision,’ she details. “Am I going to run down the stairs and either be shot in the back? It makes me so upset to think about it. Either they’re going to shoot me in the back, or if I make it and they don’t, if the elevator does not open in time, or the stairs are locked, then like I’m fucked. There’s no way out.
The 36-year-old mother of two told how she was gagged and pulled towards one of the robbers.
“This is the moment they’re going to rape me. I fully mentally prepped myself, and then he didn’t,” she said tearfully, telling how she was then tied up with tape. “I just prayed that Kourtney’s going to have a normal life after she sees my dead body on the bed,” she said.
The star then shared her final thoughts from that night. “I have a family. I have my kids, my husband, my mom — I’m not going to make it out of here. I know how these things go,” she recalled.
Luckily, Kim was left physically unharmed, and left in the bathroom while her possessions were stolen. However, the star spoke about how she believed that her and her family had been followed the entire time they were in Paris.
“I was Snapchatting that I was home and everyone was going out, so I think they knew Pascal was out with Kourtney and that I was there by myself. They had this window of opportunity and just went for it,” she said.
In a string of tweets sent before the episode, Kim Kardashian West spoke about why she felt it was important for her to tell her story on the show.
“Tonight’s episode is going to be very tough for me,” she wrote. “However, I thought it was important to share this story through my eyes & not in an interview where my own words could be twisted. I have always shared so much & I’m not going to hold back when this was probably one of the most life changing experiences for me. I would never wish this experience upon anyone,but have learned some valuable lessons &feel so blessed to be safe home w my babies & husband. To my friends, family, and loved ones I can’t thank you enough for being there when I needed you the most…I took a tragic horrific experience and did not let it diminish me, rather grew and evolved and allowed the experience to teach me. [sic]”
The star also gave a shout out to the French police, thanking them for their work and support.
Tonight's episode is going to be very tough for me.
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) March 19, 2017
However, I thought it was important to share this story through my eyes & not in an interview where my own words could be twisted.
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) March 19, 2017
I have always shared so much & I'm not going to hold back when this was probably one of the most life changing experiences for me.
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) March 19, 2017
I would never wish this experience upon anyone,but have learned some valuable lessons &feel so blessed to be safe home w my babies & husband
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) March 19, 2017
To my friends, family, and loved ones I can't thank you enough for being there when I needed you the most.
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) March 19, 2017
To the French police, thank you for your incredible hard work.
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) March 19, 2017
I took a tragic horrific experience and did not let it diminish me, rather grew and evolved and allowed the experience to teach me.
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) March 20, 2017
I can say I've become so much better because of it….thank you for allowing me to share my story tonight #KUWTK
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) March 20, 2017
We’re so glad that Kim seems to be recovering from her experiences and we’re sending her and her family so many positive vibes. We can’t imagine how traumatic and difficult the past few months must have been, and we’re just happy to see that the family are on the mend.