We are so confused by this news that Kim Kardashian wants to vote for Trump now

Just because Kendall is with her, doesn’t mean Kim is! It’s less than fifty days before Decision 2016, and the Keeping Up With The Kardashians star may be rescinding her initial support of Hillary Clinton!

Back in March, Kim endorsed Hillary in the most Kardashian way possible: on Instagram!

But in a new interview with Wonderland magazine, it was reported that Kim said she was changing her mind.

"At first I thought, ‘Oh my God, I’m so Hillary,' but I had a long political call with Caitlyn last night about why she’s voting Trump. "

Caitlyn, who has never been shy about her commitment to the GOP, spoke at the Republican National Convention this summer. It makes sense that she would try to convince her stepdaughter to cross party lines and cast a ballot for Trump.


In an episode of I Am Cait, Caitlyn said she would

"Never, ever, ever vote for Hillary. We're done. If Hillary becomes president, the country is over."

Then, to make matters even more confusing, Caitlyn posted this pic of her and Hillary in March.

Caitlyn has also said that she believes a Donald Trump presidency would be “very good for women.”


Hold it right there. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Just because Khloe was on Celebrity Apprentice, doesn’t mean Donald Trump is “good” for women.

Not only has Trump called women he dislikes “fat,” “dogs,”and  “bimbos,” he has said that women who have abortions deserve “some kind of punishment.”

As a mother of a young girl, how can Kim hear these kind of comments and want to vote for Trump? Perhaps she hasn’t seen Hillary’s “Mirrors” video.


But hold the phone!

After new details emerged, Wonderland said they “did not print that or publish that. The issue is on stands and that’s not in it.”

So, although it’s unclear how the idea that Kim was switching parties got so widely reported, and how Wonderland is not outright denying that Kim said that, they are just denying that the quote was not part of their cover story.  So like Catilyn posting a photo of Hillary after calling her a “political hack” we are totally confused!