This 8-year-old just won a race against the world’s fastest runner

8-year-old athlete Demarjay Smith is, according to Ellen “the cutest and youngest personal trainer in the world.” The Jamaican kid has become a bit of a sensation of YouTube, inspiring other kids to get fit with his workout vids. This week, Ellen had Demarjay on her show, and she learned some incredible things about this fit kid, including the fact that he can do 60 pushups in a row. When Ellen asked about Demarjay’s life goals, he told her he wants to be a personal trainer, a basketball player, and he wants to challenge Usain Bolt (AKA the world’s fastest runner) to a race. When Ellen asked Demarjay if he thought he could beat the world’s fastest, Demarjay scoffed and replied, with all the confidence in the world “Yeah, a hundred percent!”

Well, this is the Ellen’s show, so of COURSE she had Usain waiting in the wings to meet Demarjay. When Usain showed up, he, Demarjay, and Ellen all started doing a bunch of impromptu push-ups and the video below is worth watching for that moment alone.

When everyone had gotten out of push-up mode and back to standing up and hanging out again, Ellen revealed that the show had set up a track nearby and she asked Demarjay if he was willing to make good on his challenge.

When they went out to the track, the eight-year-old  adorably trash-talked his competition.

“Come on, Usain, don’t be scared of me,” Demarjay called behind him as he made his way to the starting line.

“What is this? What is this?” Usain cracked up in response.

And then they raced. Usain awesomely fakes a cramp halfway through, essentially letting Demarjay win, but makes the young champion promise him a rematch. It’s about as cute as races get. Check out the action below:


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Image via Instagram