Let these photos of Kevin Jonas holding a duck at a holiday party put a smile on your face today

How do we know that the holidays are here? There’s the familiar music everywhere, the rosy noses coming in from the cold and, oh yeah, there’s these photos of Kevin Jonas holding a duck. And not just any duck, that is the Aflac duck that is gracing Kevin’s lap alongside his wife Danielle. The new parents attended the #AFLACHOLIDAYHELPERS campaign launch on December 19, 2016 in New York City to support the famous duck as he “plays Santa’s little helper for children facing cancer.” Each year Aflac pairs up with Macy’s to sell an exclusive plush version of the quacking commercial icon, whose net proceeds are then donated to the participating children’s cancer facility nearest to where it is purchased. It’s a tradition that gives back as much as it gives us the warm fuzzies, so it’s honestly perfect. Just look at Kevin’s face.

This is one lucky duck!


Danielle Jonas swapped out the couple’s almost two-month old daughter Valentina for the cotton-filled version of this darling duck, who’s celebrating his 16th year as a festive holiday plush. Each year, 250 Macy’s stores participate in selling this traditional gift across the country. And yes, if you squeeze the plush one, it does deliver its famous “AFLAC”!! No telling what the real duck does if you squeeze it. Probably shouldn’t try and find out.


Aflac duck meet…Aflac duck.


The Jonas’ stopped by the event to show their support of the ongoing #duckprints campaign, which raises up to $1.5 million annually to go to childhood cancer research and treatment. Donations are made for “any social activity on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #duckprints and for every viewing of a Duckprints-related video on YouTube.” As if we needed a good reason to stop in from the cold to play with a duck.


It was clear when the meet and greet was over. He’s a busy guy!


There are the classic celebrity perks — attending award shows, wearing fancy clothes for free, making bank after one day’s work — and then there are the real, random celebrity perks; like playing with a duck all afternoon with your pretty wife.

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