Kevin Hart’s rap alter ego just landed a record deal and we can’t even believe this is real life

Apparently, Kevin Hart is too busy fielding film offers because his rap alter ego just landed a record deal. This is not a prank, folks. A person Hart pretends to be has a legit recording contract and we can’t even believe this is real life. According to Vulture, Hart’s alter ego Chocolate Droppa is set to release an album in the fall. Hart/Droppa signed a deal with Motown Records and as crazy as this sounds, he/they already have a solid six years in the rap game ever since Hart introduced him to the public, which includes a role in a Saturday Night Live sketch.
Honestly though, how talented of a rapper do you have to be when music companies start offering career opportunities to your alter egos? Um, apparently not that talented because Droppa’s a really sucky MC on purpose — he basically fires off a combo of aggressive onomatopoeias and wack lines that sound like what happens when terrible rhymes happen to well-meaning people.
See for yourself:
So is everyone hype for Droppa or nah? We’re excited for this news because we’d love to see Hart’s alter ego participate in one of his Facebook dance-off challenges (does Droppa dance?), plus we can’t wait to see if Hart handles being mistaken for Droppa as smoothly as being mistaken him for Chris Rock.