Kevin Bacon promotes bacon-scented cologne with James Corden, and it’s perfect

As far as breakfast foods are concerned, bacon is pretty great. It just… smells SOgood. And you know who agrees wholeheartedly with that statement? James Corden.


In fact, he’s SUCH a huge advocate of bacon that he made a commercial for bacon cologne. With Kevin Bacon, obviously.

The cologne is called Bacon by Bacon, and the YouTube description describes it perfectly:

“The only smell that captures the essence of both your favorite cured meat and favorite actor.”

Yes, this really did happen. The commercial features Corden expressing his wants and needs, and Kevin Bacon explaining how his wishes can be fulfilled with bacon. You know, like this:

One of the YouTube comments suggests that Corden sell bacon cologne as a novelty, because people would “buy it by the thousands.” We have to admit, that’s not a bad idea!

It’s official, James Corden has been KILLING it this week (remember his Kanye “Fade” parody). Oh, and let’s not forget Bacon’s tremendous achievement (aka his spot-on Tom Petty impersonation with Jimmy Fallon. Still laughing).

What a week to be alive!
