Kesha released an incredibly moving “Why I Vote” video, and we’re crying

During this election season there have been a ton of PSAs urging young people to vote. And Kesha may have just topped them all in the latest installment of VEVO’s “Why I Vote” series.

Take a look at her talking about what equality means to her and why it’s so important that America makes the right decision.

"In this election especially I feel like you're choosing between someone who is promising to build walls and someone who is hopeful. And if those are my two options, I definitely want to go with hope."

Kesha talks about how she’s personally married two of her friends in same-sex ceremonies, and how she’s continuing to fight for LGBTQ+ rights despite not identifying as gay herself. The thought of anyone being stripped of their rights to love who they want to love is horrifying, and Kesha is visibly shaken when facing that fear.

"Why on earth do you need to take that right away from these people? What is that going  to do for you? It makes me sick. One of them is here [in the studio], he's one of my best friends. Him and his husband are two of the most lovely people in the world. Why anyone would want to take them away from their love is crazy."

She also talks about her experiences growing up in Nashville and trying to fit in — but realizing she was different, and how that’s okay. Kesha embodies the positive message of being yourself 100% of the time, and never apologizing for it.

Honestly we think these wise words should be the slogan of the election campaign:

"We as a country do not need to step backward. We need to protect the laws that have been groundbreaking."

We’re with you, Kesha. What an incredibly compelling — and moving — reason to get ourselves to the ballot box on November 8th.

H/T Entertainment Weekly

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