Kesha got a NEW colorful ocean creature tattoo on her body

Kesha loves to be colorful. Her psychedelic performances consistently blow us away. And she’s as vibrant off the stage as she is when she’s on it. So it only makes sense that her newest tattoo is as lively as she is.
And it’s no huge surprise that Kesha’s latest tattoo is a colorful orca whale.
We were already aware of the star’s love for oceanic creatures thanks to her recent delightful narwhal tattoo. But now the narwhal has some colorful company. Her pink and gold body art addition goes perfectly with her other tattoos. And the singer even jokes in her caption about how these little creatures are slowly taking over.
Kesha captions the picture, "psychedelic whales are slowly covering my entire body..."
Of course, the singer is all about lots of colors and fun during her shows.
She’s reminded of all that energy and fun with her unique body art.
And she doesn’t just love to have orcas and narwhals as tattoos.
She genuinely gets excited every time she sees them IRL. And, based on her caption on this post, she is thinking about them all the time.
"welcome to the inside of my head," she writes.
We wish there were narwhals and colorful ocean beasts in our head all the time, too! Maybe if we just dressed up like them more, like Kesha does, they’d be on our minds more often.
Leave it to Kesha to still look totally badass while rocking a narwhal onesie. We hope this tattoo trend continues for the singer. It’d be awesome to see an entire ocean of beautiful creatures playfully tattooed on her body. Maybe the next one will be a giant blue whale? The gentle giants of the water?
Then again, if she just wants to stick with the ones that are there, we’re totally supportive of that, too. They are, after all, pretty amazing.