Kerry Washington opened up on Twitter with a seriously personal message
Kerry Washington has been MIA from Twitter (save for a few reposts about causes close to her heart) since giving birth to her second child, Caleb Kelechi Asomugha. But since the actress is always one to speak out for human rights, she recently had some things to get off her chest:
It's a quiet Saturday afternoon. So, a few things I wanna get off my chest…
— kerry washington (@kerrywashington) October 22, 2016
First, she begins by thanking everyone for their congratulatory tweets:
I saw all your very kind & thoughtful congratulatory tweets. So yeah 😍 we thank you. Xo
— kerry washington (@kerrywashington) October 22, 2016
And then she gets serious:
Also the loss of #DeborahDanner has rattled my core. Not only becuz of painful truth that we must continue to affirm that #BlackLivesMatter
— kerry washington (@kerrywashington) October 22, 2016
For those of you who don’t know, sixty-six year old Deborah Danner was shot and killed Tuesday by an NYPD sergeant when officers responded to a call from her Bronx neighbor reporting that she was behaving erratically.
But also becuz #DeborahDanner was killed in the community where I was raised. Community filled w/people I know & love. So when I #sayhername
— kerry washington (@kerrywashington) October 22, 2016
Our heart breaks every time we hear one of these stories.
My heart aches. For lives lost and for the lives we must protect. For the humanity we must work to illuminate and preserve and affirm. #BLM
— kerry washington (@kerrywashington) October 22, 2016
Kerry then changes course, and gives a shout-out to powerful indie film Moonlight:
ALSO. Go see @moonlightmov this weekend. It is artful food for your soul. At a time when so many of us need to be lovingly nourished.
— kerry washington (@kerrywashington) October 22, 2016
She then concludes with:
End of rant 🙏🏾 XOXOXOXOX
— kerry washington (@kerrywashington) October 22, 2016
The movie, Moonlight, a coming-of-age film about LGBT issues, has been universally praised by critics. Rolling Stone wrote: “A masterpiece. We leave the theater as different people than we came in.” That’s high praise indeed!
Kerry, meanwhile, can be seen on Scandal, which returns in January, and will no doubt continue to comment wisely on matters close to her heart.
We love her and are so glad she continues to share such important messages.