Kerry Washington sees extreme photoshopping as being “just not necessary”

Scandal actress Kerry Washington hasn’t always had the most harmonious relationship with Photoshop. Back in April, when she was on the cover of Adweek, Kerry came out with an Instagram post saying that though she was proud to be on the aesthetically pleasing cover, she wasn’t happy with how much they photoshopped her image.
“Look, I’m no stranger to Photoshopping. It happens a lot … I have had the opportunity to address the impact of my altered image in the past and I think it’s a valuable conversation,” Kerry explained, referring to her Adweek cover. “It felt strange to look at a picture of myself that is so different from what I look like when I look in the mirror.” Kerry added that seeing this cover left her with an unfortunate feeling.
Following this incident, Kerry has now revealed exactly how she feels about photoshopping in its entirety:
Overall, Washington is proud to say that our culture has evolved to be much more accepting of different types of beauty. That’s exactly why she feels we need to discuss the part Photoshop plays in all this. “I think the more we talk about it, the more awareness there is,” Kerry told Glamour. “Photoshopping to that extent is just not necessary. I’m somebody who millions of people tune in to and see every week, so they know what I look like!”
Though Kerry is aware that her fans know what she looks like while in character, that hasn’t stopped her from embracing her natural look.
Since she uses a lot of heat on her hair when working, Kerry prefers to do nothing to her tresses when she’s not acting. “I use a leave-in conditioner and wear it natural,” Washington explained. “And I do think Hollywood and society as a whole is way more accepting now of natural hair!”
While we have a long way to go when it comes to accepting the natural beauty of everyone, Kerry Washington is definitely giving us hope for the future.