Kerry Washington made a fake horror movie about group texts and it is TOO REAL

We love Kerry Washington, so we’ll support every film and television show she signs onto. Even fake ones, like Group Text.
Washington was on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night, and shared a preview of the horror film, which focuses around the awful reality of group texts. Once you’re involved in one, it’s just extremely hard to leave. According to Kimmel, her performance is Oscar-worthy — and we have to agree.
Seriously. Who hasn’t found themselves in a situation like this before?
Unfortunately, Washington can’t seem to escape the texts. Even when she says she’s unavailable, they just keep on coming through. Even throwing the phone in the toilet (since hey, Washington can afford another one) doesn’t stop the madness.
Next time you think about starting up a group text, ask yourself — will the recipients be responding at all hours of the day? Is it worth it? And, would it really be that difficult to maybe send an e-mail, or something slightly less obtrusive? What would Kerry Washington think?
It’s a shame that Group Text won’t be in theaters, since it truly sounds like one of the most terrifying films of the year.