Katy Perry just stood up for Planned Parenthood in a HUGE way, and it’s awesome

With a week that has seemed pretty dismal, it makes sense that a celebrity as charismatic as Katy Perry could brighten things up!

The singer posted to Instagram on Friday that she has made a public donation of $10,000 to Planned Parenthood. She encouraged others to help “support organizations that may have their funding support taken from them in the future by the government.”

Bonus Good News: Since the election, Planned Parenthood has received more donations than ever!

President Obama also stepped in to save the reproductive day by recently proposing a new rule that makes sure Congress can’t cut funding for political reasons.


The “California Gurls” singer made her donation in honor of her teenage self. She said her “sheltered upbringing” led her to visit her local Planned Parenthood to learn more about her sexual health.

Perry, who campaigned for Hillary Clinton during the election, details how visits to Planned Parenthood allowed her to focus on what was most important, her music.

“I could focus on my dreams and using my voice until I knew the timing was right for me to make a plan to have a family, Perry wrote.

“Since then, I have been able to focus wholeheartedly on bringing messages of strength and becoming a voice for others. Without this education, I may have had a different life path.

She added how she grew up in a “lower-to-middle-class family” who didn’t have the option of health insurance. This led to her family trying to take her to Mexico when she had 13 cavities because they could not afford the procedures in California.

“I am grateful for and stand in support of Planned Parenthood for giving Katheryn Hudson the knowledge to plan, and for continuing to be a haven for women to learn all options for their future, she writes.

“Now, more than ever, we all need to protect and create safe places for each other,” Perry adds. “I hope I can help inspire you to make a gift as well, and become a member and an ally.”

Donate to Planned Parenthood here, and read Perry’s full message below: