Katy Perry opened up about her struggle with mental health, and it is so important

As part of her ongoing livestream experiment, Katy Perry has shared her mental health struggles with her fans. Of course, mental health issues are nothing to shrug off. We’ve all been told to take ‘mental health days’ by psychologists and many celebrities, like Carrie Fisher, have opened up about their issues to help make it easier to talk about! Even congresswomen are trying to destigmatize the idea of mental health issues so we can have open conversations about it.
In an effort to promote her new album, Witness, Katy shared her life with her fans, by live-streaming almost constantly since June 8th. It’s included some fun things, but also got quite serious when the pop star shared her therapy session with us all as well.
We’re here for you Katy and appreciate you opening up.
In the therapy session, Katy talked about her alcoholism, suicidal thoughts, and how her public image isn’t everything about her. It was a bit of a shock for fans to see, because when it comes to celebrities, we only see their public persona. We don’t see every facet of their personality.
Katy sharing her issues helps destigmatize mental illness, as well as opening our eyes to who Katy really is. She spoke about how we don’t really see how she’s nerdy or that she is a goofball. Katy also touched on how the idea of ‘Katy Perry’ came to be, when she said so herself during the session.
"The fantasy of Katheryn went into Katy and made this bigger than life personality."
The session was a real turning point for fans of Katy. It showed a side of her we rarely see. Anytime a celebrity opens up about their mental health issues, it helps us, as a society, stop looking negatively at them.
You can watch Katy Perry’s live stream here. And she really shows us everything. Even brushing her teeth! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBj0qJ6bcIg
And, as Katy said, the purpose of her sharing her lives with everyone was so that we could see the real her.
"That’s the point of this whole thing, if people can see I’m just like them, then they can dream just as big."
We’re with you Katy! Thank you for sharing your story! You can listen to Witness now on streaming services and available on iTunes.