Katherine Heigl’s birthday post to her daughter sends a distinctly feminist message

Giving us yet more reasons to love her, Katherine Heigl celebrated her daughter Adalaide’s 5th birthday with a meaningful message via Instagram. And while the post was incredibly sweet, we’re cheering for a different, more subtle reason.

Specifically, because of the language Heigl used to described her daughter.

The post read,

"It is my sassy, fiery, break dancing, bug loving, whip smart, fiercely loyal, daddy's girls' birthday! HAPPY 5TH BIRTHDAY ADALAIDE MARIE HOPE KELLEY!"

Not only is Heigl’s description adorable, but it noticeably does not contain words like, “pretty,” “beautiful,” “cute,” or “angelic” (or any of the many other words typically used to describe little girls). Heigl went for a string of positive adjectives that have zero to do with Adalaide’s outward appearance. Whether she did it intentionally or not, this is a distinctly feminist and empowering message to her daughter.

All too often we tell young girls that they’re “pretty,” as opposed to smart, strong, and capable, and it sends an extremely confusing message.  Thus, we appreciate Katherine’s choice of words SO MUCH and hope others follow her lead.