Kate Winslet perfectly explained how body image shifts in your 30s and 40s

Today’s issue of The Wall Street Journal features an insightful interview with one of our favorite celebs, Kate Winslet. The article mainly centers around her upcoming role in Steve Jobs, Aaron Sorkin’s biopic of the Apple co-founder which hits theaters on October 9. But as she always seems to do, Winslet managed to drop some body-positive wisdom at the same time. (And this is why we love you so, Kate Winslet! Well, I mean Titanic has something to do with it. And Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. And Sense & Sensibility. Okay, let’s just say she’s an overall amazing human. K? K.)

Winslet spoke to WSJ about constantly being questioned about her appearance, to the extent that it really ticks her off. Not that we blame her. She said, “Just a couple of hours ago, my publicist sent an email saying that some journalist from the Daily Mail has a picture of me from an event last night and is saying that I appear to have lost all the baby weight and how did I do that? And do I want to comment on the fact that experts are saying that I’ve had Botox? I just get irritated by that s—. First of all, the latter is 100 percent not true, and secondly, it’s f—ing 18 months later. Of course I’m going to get back at some point.”

Seriously, is any of that information the Daily Mail’s business? Or anyone’s business, other than, you know, Kate Winslet herself? Nope. Not really.

She goes on to discuss how different she feels about her personal appearance and her body as she approaches her 40th birthday, which is right around the corner. (October 5. HBD, Kate!) “We all focus on our bodies in our late teens and our early 20s, in a way that is just not cool or healthy. In your 30s, you become aware of staying fit. Now, I view my physical self as an instrument that I have to keep going because I’m a mother, and I have to be as healthy as I can for those three people who need me — more than I need for myself to be in a f**ing nude scene.”

Now that is some major perspective right there! And perhaps something for twenty-somethings to look forward to. But how does she feel about that big number? The legendary 4-0?

“I have not wasted a second. Good God, have I made the most of those 40 years.”

You know what? She’s right. She’s made the most of them, indeed. And what more could anyone want at 40, or ANY age for that matter?

Happy 40th, Kate! Thanks for being such a great model, not only for your beautiful family, but for all of us.

[Images via Twitter.]

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