Kate Middleton’s hot brother now has a public Instagram account, so there goes our day

It’s a well-known fact that the British royals don’t use social media—but thankfully for all of us, that informal rule doesn’t extend to the family of those who marry into the inner circle. In fact, Kate Middleton’s brother, James Middleton, recently made his formerly private Instagram account public. PSA: If you have work you need to get done, stop reading this NOW.

Seriously. James, the youngest of the Middleton children, is the embodiment of the fire emoji (think a heavily bearded Jude Law)—and now that his Instagram is public, we have the receipts. Here’s James shirtless, holding a fish over his head:

Here’s a selfie of him with one of his extremely photogenic dogs:

SPEAKING of his dogs, he has tons of them, and his newly-minted Instagram is basically a homage to them all. According to Town & Country Magazine, he has nine.

If dogs aren’t your thing, don’t worry—there’s plenty more adorable content. He also posts ducklings, which is equally important.

Oh, and sweet baby lambs:

And here’s a pupper with a tiny baby chick.

Okay, we’re done. We mean, for now. Happy perusing, ladies and gentlemen.

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