Karlie Kloss is the latest celeb to jump on the FRANGS bandwagon — here’s what we mean

To get bangs or not get bangs, that is the question?! While I always err on the side of “get bangs,” there are situations where people get them and they look so good that the concept of bangs is elevated to another astral plane. The latest celebrity to jump on the BANGS-wagon (sorry), is the model and Taylor Swift squad member Karlie Kloss who recently took to Instagram with her luxurious blonde hair drapes.
While she is already gifted with obnoxious disease of being really, really, ridiculously good-looking, Kloss manages to frame her face into even higher levels of symmetry with the newly-acquired bangs.
However, those keeping up with the current trends in bangs may be aware that temporary fake-bang extensions aka “frangs” are a thing!
Could it be that Kloss is just trying on her bangs for size, only to ditch them for her trademark hair look?!
Is Kloss only a part-time voyager on the ever-popular bandwagon of forehead hairs?!
She did have them earlier this month after all, and then they DISAPPEARED!
One big clue: celebrity hairstylist Jen Atkin is behind Kloss’ new look, as evidenced by Atkin’s Snapchat, and she was the one responsible for Chrissy Teigen and Kendall Jenner’s frangs.