Karl Lagerfeld’s high-fashion cat, Choupette, is the latest victim of Instagram hacking

Meow-za! Karl Lagerfeld’s famously pampered feline, Choupette, is the latest celebrity to fall victim to Instagram hackers. Choupette’s personal social media manager, Ashley Tschudin, pleaded with Twitter followers to help her crack the case last week after revealing that the account’s password has been changed without her knowledge.

“Attention! Somebody hacked my Instagram [and] changed the PW,” she, errr, Choupette wrote in a since removed tweet. “Anyone have a contact at Instagram to send moi? Merci!”

Fortunately, it seems the cat burglars hackers’ efforts were quickly thwarted, as the Instagram and Twitter accounts have remained quiet since the incident. No compromising cat photos or otherwise inappropriate posts, thankfully.

“Not sure what happened exactly but for [one] week I lost my precious Choupette account and no one could see how beautiful she was,” Tschudin told WWD of the incident. “I was lucky in that whoever took over the account and changed the password didn’t delete or post anything but not everyone is so lucky.”


With nearly 100,000 Instagram followers, it’s no wonder why fashion’s top cat would be a social media target. As Lagerfeld’s prized pussycat, Choupette’s quite the enterprising kitty. She’s the world’s first feline makeup model, inspiring Shu Umera’s “Shupette” palette, and has many a product line including a brand of plush kitties in her likeness.

She’s probably also the only cat in the world with front-row access to every runway, dozens of editorial cameos under her belt, and who boasts *two* maids in her service that tend to her every need.

Thankfully, this social media cat-burglary is cased closed now, and Choupette can let out a big purrr of relief.

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