Kanye West had to end his show early for this health reason, and we hope he feels better soon

When singing and rapping is what you do, your voice is pretty much your greatest gift. Unfortunately, Kanye West ended a concert early for health reasons this Thursday, and reports say it’s because he was feeling a bit hoarse midway through. Better be safe than sorry, right?

Unfortunately, some fans didn’t understand at the time. In fact, many booed and demanded a refund due to the shortening of the show. But it’s always good to remember that a healthy Kanye West is way, way better than a sick one. Getting sick every once in awhile is totally understandable.

The show was at the Forum in Los Angeles, and it was his sixth night at the venue. A fan caught footage of West stopping mid-song.


It seems like West was definitely frustrated over calling it quits right in the midst of singing “Only One”. But, it’s been reported that there was only about ten minutes left anyway, so fans didn’t get totally robbed of the Kanye West experience.

 But really, his worst critic is probably himself.

"I can’t let y’all have a show where I can’t perform for you," he said with honesty. "I’ll give everyone a refund." He also included, "I’ll do better next time."

We hope that he gets a chance to rest up and feel better!

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