Kanye West’s new Adidas line is 100% inspired by the city of Calabasas, aka that place where all the Kardashians live
After rumors picked up speed earlier in the week, Kim Kardashian West revealed via Snapchat that Kanye would be adding to his ~fashion~ portfolio. The new line will be called “Calabasian,” presumably named after Calabasas, the place in California that all of the Kardashians live. While we definitely think there was a missed opportunity in naming the line (Kardashians + Calabasas + Calabashian, DUH) we’re sure fans of the duo are going to love this crossover of Kanye and Kardashian interests.
Fans were quick to capture Kim’s Snapchats for posterity, and we’re super grateful, because now we get a really solid look at what to expect from the Calabasian line, like these comfy pants.
And this ‘Calabasas’ necklace we’re sure natives of the area will love, but the rest of us would look slightly misleading wearing. “Oh, are you from Calabasas?” “No, I just have the necklace.”
We don’t blame Kanye for pulling his inspiration from Calabasas, though. It’s a pretty picturesque part of SoCal. Whether it’s the natural beauty…
Or the man made kind of beauty, Calabasas is definitely the kind of place we’d love to hang to get some creative inspiration.
Plus, spending time in Calabasas has the added benefit of occasionally catching a glimpse of the Kardashians, Kanye, or any of the other famous people who hang their hats in this outrageously fab part of SoCal…so you know. SIGN US UP.