Kamala Harris has the best response to people who say the Democrats need a male candidate to win in 2020

Several extremely qualified women have already joined the race for the Democratic 2020 presidential nomination. And sadly, these candidates will likely endure sexist backlash—including the time-honored argument that America is “not ready” for a female president. However, Senator Kamala Harris has the perfect response to people who doubt her candidacy.
During a January 28th CNN town hall at Drake University in Des Moines, Harris answered questions about her political record and her plans from the campaign. One audience member, playwright and composer Robert John Ford, noted that Democrats were eager to “nominate the candidate that has the best shot at defeating Donald Trump.” He then asked how he could respond to sexist complaints that a man might have a better chance in the election.
"Some have also said that, given what occurred in 2016 and the current political climate, that a male nominee will have a better chance this time around than a female nominee," he continued. “Would you please respond to this so that this man has a response ready the next time a man tries to mansplain why a man would make a better nominee?"
Ford’s question elicited laughs from the senator, who stood up to applaud him. The audience followed suit, cheering in the background. Harris then went on to argue that, in the end, the best candidate would win—regardless of gender.
"The person who presented that point really is not giving the American voters enough credit. They’re smarter than that," she said. "The people who vote, the people who live in this country are smarter than that. They’re going to make decisions based on who they believe is the best leader."
Harris, who was both the first black American and the first woman to serve as California’s attorney general, noted that she is no stranger to this kind of criticism. She said that she’d heard, “People aren’t ready” and “Oh it’s not your time” in previous campaigns. But she made it clear that she didn’t let the naysayers stop her.
"I haven’t listened and I would suggest that nobody should listen to that kind of conversation," she concluded.
IOHO, America is more than ready for a female president, and we hope that someday (very soon) it becomes a reality. May the best candidate win.