Justin Bieber, King of Hair, finally went pastel
It’s official, Justin Bieber has joined the pastel hair squad. He revealed his lilac locks Friday night on Instagram and let’s just say, we’re not sorry.
You can really see the lavender in this next shot:
Joining the likes of other celebs like Demi Lovato and Kelly Osbourne, it looks like pastel colored hair is not just a trend for 2015, but is back in full force in 2016
Note, Bieber also revealed something else with his new hair – his new muscles.
Apparently, Biebs has been hitting that weight rack and we’re definitely not mad about it. This week alone he posted four shirtless selfies, what more can we ask for? Oh right, more shirtless selfies.
From the new hair to the new workout routine, it’s looking like 2016 is a New Year, new Biebs.
(Image via Instagram)