Just watch Justin Bieber and James Corden do Carpool Karaoke to Alanis Morissette’s “Ironic”

Pop-quiz time: What happens when Justin Bieber, 2010s pop superstar, meets ’90s alternative songs that convey all the emotion of a strong woman just trying to navigate her early twenties?

If you answered, “outrageous perfection,” you’d be correct (though we’d also accept “complete flawlessness”). Bieber appeared last night on Corden’s Late Late Show to jam out with the host for a Carpool Karaoke segment. During the session, the twosome discuss such important topics as what to pick for their karaoke team/name – the “Corbeliebers” comes up – and sing along to Bieber’s song “Sorry” and Kanye West’s “Stronger.” As they encounter an interestingly dressed paparazzo, it inspires them to shop for new duds of their own which, as you can imagine, doesn’t go quite as expected.

But the best part of the hilarious 12-minute segment is, without a doubt, when Bieber and Corden jam out to the classic “Ironic” by Alanis Morissette directly after Bieber admits he cried while watching The Notebook. Whether these two things are related, we can’t say, but what we can say is if you haven’t seen Justin Bieber sing along to female-singer-songwriter tunes from the ’90s, you haven’t lived.

And dude knows the lyrics, too, which is impressive. The only thing that would make the clip better is if differently dressed versions of Bieber and/or Corden were shown in different parts of the car, to recreate the iconic music video. Hear me, TV people? Maybe put it on the books for the future.

This isn’t the first time Bieber has gifted us a Carpool Karaoke session, either (did Christmas come early?) – this past May, he and Corden teamed up to sing along to Bieber’s hits “Baby” and “Boyfriend,” as well as Boyz II Men’s “End of the Road.” Which is the best Boyz II Men song, if you ask me. Luckily, Corden has his own set of pipes, as evidenced in his starring role in Into the Woods. Otherwise, this segment could’ve gotten even more awkward than it already was because, yes, they totally briefly touch on the topic of Bieber’s recent, um…incident. But Biebs is a great sport, so it’s all gut-bustingly hilarious.

Sing along with the full video below and feel all the 1996/2015 crossover feels.

(Image via YouTube)

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