Honoring the Biebs’ 21st, with some vids of a next-level adorable pre-teen Justin
Yesterday was Justin Bieber’s 21st birthday. The Biebs can now (legally) go into a bar and buy himself a cold one, and it’s weirdly making us feel all the feels. Wasn’t it just yesterday that he was the little teen that made all the other teens swoon? They grow up so quickly! *tear*
There are many different opinions about Justin out there, and no lies he did do some hardcore misbehaving throughout his teens. BUT we’re willing to put all that behind us after hearing his heartfelt apology on Ellen back in January, in which he claimed, “I’m not who I was pretending to be . . . often we pretend to be something we’re not as a cover-up of what we’re truly feeling inside.” We all grow up and it sounds like the Biebs is doing his growing up right here and right now.
It’s ok, Justin — we forgive you, and we hope you had a fabulous birthday. In honor of his 21st, we want to remember how talented he was back when he was a pre-teen cutie, BEFORE he was, you know, Justin Bieber.
In this video, a Youtube user captures an adorable young Bieber playing guitar on the streets of Stratford, Canada, singing his little heart out. We just want to pinch those cheeks.
If you want a little more Bieber-had-a-magical-voice as a child action, how about this home video of young JB singing Chris Brown’s “With You.” We honestly like this version better than the original. Also this is the vid that launched his career thanks to the right eyeballs landing on it and being mega-impressed.
Talented from the start times 100. Happy belated birthday, Justin! We can’t wait to see what this older and wiser new you has to offer the world.