Jupiter Retrograde Is Entering Aquarius—Here’s What This Means
Lucky days are heading your way.
Known for its friendly, outgoing nature, Jupiter is an honest, law-abiding global citizen, which loves a good party! Not only does Jupiter represent your needs to expand your mind, but Jupiter also shows you the inward conscious desire to grow and manifest your dreams on a worldwide level. Gambling, travel, teaching, and education are all interests brought to you by expansive and lucky Jupiter.
From December 19th, 2020, until May 13th, 2021, Jupiter was in Aquarius, then it moved into Pisces. Now, it’s moving backward into Aquarius where it will be from July 28th to December 28th, 2021.
All around the world, through the power of social media, people are engaging in conversations and merging together to fight against the patriarchy. Jupiter has not only revealed wrongdoings but also connected people together.
As Jupiter moves back into Aquarius, you can expect to trot forward with divine wisdom, using your higher mind to guide you. Honesty and truthfulness will play a big theme this year, as the world will be watching due to social media, leaving nothing uncovered and hidden. Full transparency will evolve as a result of precious hidden darkness, which permeated the Earth.
Below is your Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius horoscope. Make sure to read your rising sign, too.
Always keep a business card handy and your LinkedIn account updated. Jupiter’s backward march in Aquarius will increase your networking skills, bringing you more career and social opportunities from past colleagues, old friends, and bosses. They’ll consider you or connect you with others for a job that you’re perfect for.
Your career will take a hit—for the better! Expansion, luck, and success will push you to great heights in your career. Say “yes” to all the professional opportunities that land in your lap now. One great gig may lead to another, and so on. Look out world, you’re on fire!
Your thirst for knowledge is heightened. Travel, education, and teaching will broaden and transform your inner philosophies. Therefore, it’s a great time to seek truth and justice in all that you see and uncover. Use social media to spread the word and educate others about the information that you find.
Learning from past financial mistakes and missteps will allow you to grow both your bank account and mind. There may be some growing pains along the way, as you are letting go of the past. However, the end result will permit you to evolve into the greater version of yourself.
Fun times are in store for you! Love, passion, and happiness will come through creative projects and alliances. Love is in the air, which means that you’ll have to decide whether you’re ready for a full-on commitment or not. There will be many possible romances headed your way now.
You may be feeling a little bit bored in carrying out the months in activities that you once felt pleasurable. Therefore, it’s a great time to change your schedule and rethink some of your commitments. Cutting out that time will add a few extra moments for yourself and for self-care.
Now is a great time to connect with a former crush or an ex. You make up or ignite a new friendship in its place. As long as you know what you want from the relationship then you should totally reach out.
You’re longing to connect with nature and be in an open space. A move to a place that has a backyard and an office (if your financial means allow it) may be necessary, as your desire to broaden your heart and home may lead you to set up new roots.
Relations with siblings, close friends, and roommates will blossom, as well as your desire to express yourself. Think before you speak, as you may overdo communication, which may result in you putting your foot in your mouth. This won’t create tension, but rather mend the present stressful relationships with them.
The rest of the year will serve as a lucky time for you. Positive vibes and inspiring thoughts are headed your way! Use this energy to manifest great things, like creating abundance. Your bank account will grow under this transit, giving you more cash to spend freely on pleasurable items.
You’re feeling larger than life at the moment, which means that your confidence is booming and allowing you to speak your mind. Don’t let your ego get in the way of making decisions and relationships. Keep yourself in check at all times to avoid conflict with those you care about.
Take a step back and unwind. Meditation and relaxing activities will serve to rejuvenate your mind and heart. The less tension you’re carrying within and on your shoulders, the more at peace you will feel. Not only that, but you’ll be able to focus on enjoyable things that are calming.