Your July Tarot Card Reading, According to Your Zodiac Sign

It's time to shed previous versions of yourself.

Your keyword for July’s tarotscope is authenticity! Collectively, you will be given opportunities that align to your highest potential and it’s up to you to say “yes!” This path will not be easy, as it will require you to shed previous versions of yourself, but it will most definitely be worth it!

Below is your July tarotscope. Make sure to read your rising sign, too.


July Tarotscopes

Card: Queen of Swords (Reversed)

This month you will feel like a million dollars! Everything on your path will seemingly fall into place, as if by magic. Blessings you once only dreamed of will stare you straight in the face and it will be hard to believe. Know that you deserve all the beautiful things happening to you Aries. Embrace joy!


July Tarotscopes

Card: Eight of Swords

Finally, you have the chance to rest, Taurus. There’s been so much change and upheaval for you recently but you can finally sit back and enjoy the progress you’ve made so far. You’ve come a long way so definitely take advantage of this stopping point. Things will be picking up again soon.


July Tarotscopes

Card: Ace of Cups

Spontaneity is calling your name this month, Gemini, so don’t overthink it! This opportunity has landed in your lap for a reason and has the potential to bring you some much-needed fun if you let it. Ground yourself in gratitude and take this leap of faith. You know you want to.


July Tarotscopes

Card: Two of Pentacles

Things are happening so fast! Make sure you’re keeping your balance this month because as one area of your life takes off quickly, you will still need to tend to other things. Make sure not to get wrapped up solely in the exciting and new. Having a good routine in place will be a great asset to you.


July Tarotscopes

Card: 10 of Pentacles

Something from the past that you made peace with losing is back and better than ever baby. Deep changes have actually taken place on both sides of the situation, making it the perfect timing for you to reconnect with this. Don’t allow past mistakes or fear of losing this again to prevent you from experiencing the bliss of having this back.


July Tarotscopes

Card: The Hanged Man

This month’s spirit is challenging you to take the path less traveled. It’s scary and uncomfortable, but that’s the point. You are more prepared than you know, Virgo. You always are!


july tarot card

Card: Three of Swords

Your boundaries are going to be tested this month, Libra. There will be lots of opportunities to move forward with but only a select few will be worth your energy. Take the time you need to rest and re-energize and don’t spread yourself too thin.


July Tarotscopes

Card: The Emperor (Reversed)

A lot of people will be asking your advice on things this month. You are seen as someone who gives honest opinions and your input is very valuable. The universe will reward you for giving your energy to others so prepare for major blessings.


July Tarotscopes

Card: The Wheel of Fortune

The seemingly random decisions you make will land you at the right place at the right time. Fated meetings will happen right and left to the point that you question how so much synchronicity is possible for one person. Your trust and faith in the universe will be restored. Remember your gratitude.


July Tarotscopes

Card: Four of Wands

You’re tired of resisting the changes you know you need to make in life, Capricorn. This month, the universe will give you one final opportunity to end old cycles for good because you know they are no longer serving you. Head the signs you have been receiving and join the path of least resistance.


July Tarotscopes

Card: Five of Cups

This month you finally get clarity on why things had to play out the way they did in the past. It will not only make complete and total sense to you, but you’ll actually feel a sense of gratitude for the challenges you’ve faced in the past. Cancer season will leave you feeling empowered and emboldened so enjoy the fruits of your hard work!


july tarotscopes

Card: 10 of Cups (Reversed)

Someone new wants the chance to enter your life this month and it’s in your best interest to see where things go. This person has something to teach you about dating that will help you emotionally mature. Don’t focus so much on how long things will last, but enjoy the process of getting to know someone and yourself more.