A federal judge just ordered a major win in the battle for transgender equality

With a ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Schroeder, the transgender community at the University of North Carolina got a much needed win this week. The federal judge struck down “bathroom bill” HB 2 which was passed in March of this year. The overturned bill states that students were only allowed to use the bathrooms of their assigned gender as stated on their birth certificates.

The passing of the original bathroom bill at UNC was responsible for the disenfranchisement of many transgendered people. According to the judge’s ruling it violated both the Equal Protection clause of the Constitution as well as Title IX.

It was clear that people were being discriminated against based on their gender and luckily something was done to correct the initial mistake. Now if only the rest of the country followed suit, we would be making some real progress.


The breakdown of the ruling has some wonderful points. According to Buzzfeed, the ruling explained that allowing this law to stay in place would cause transgendered students to “suffer irreparable harm,” and adversely effect them over other students. While this is great news for UNC students, this ruling simply brought things back to the same place its policy was before the passing of HB 2.


Hopefully more changes will be made to protect those individuals who have to deal with the injustice on a daily basis. This was a step in the right direction.