Joss Whedon still reaaaally wants you to vote with his latest PSA starring Chris Pine as a bratty boss

Today is November 1st. In one short week, Americans will head to the polls (if you haven’t already!!) and vote for our next President of the United States. This is kind of a BIG THING for us right now, and everyone who has the will and right to vote should head out next Tuesday and cast a vote for the 45th President. And if you’re still wondering why you desperately need to do this, let Joss Whedon remind you with his latest voting PSA, starring Chris Pine.
Joss — who you might know from one of a dozen things, including but not limited to: Firefly, Buffy, The Avengers, and the list goes on — put out a voting PSA early in September and rounded up a lot of his famous friends to remind us that this vote is very important. He’s done it once again, and rounded up even more of his famous friends, like Chris Pine, Firefly’s Alan Tudyk and Angel’s J. August Richards.
Here, these three guys tell the story of a boss, who’s not a very good boss, and just thinks he can say and do whatever he wants…as his company slowly crumbles around him. Sound familiar?
Chris Pine plays this boss, Leonard, and it’s Chris Pine like we’ve never seen him before. He’s loud and obnoxious, and refuses to take “no” for an answer. He also refuses to get rid of a microwave that’s on fire, and not sure if that’s an analogy for our country right now, but probably.
Check out the video above, anywhere from one to a dozen times, and don’t forget to VOTE!!