Josh Peck and Drake Bell hugging it out at the 2017 VMAs is exactly what we needed today

Guys, things are going to be okay. Stars of Nickelodeon’s Drake & JoshJosh Peck and Drake Bell, reunited at the 2017 VMAs the only way they know how — hugging it out. All is right again in the realm of nostalgia.

After the epic reunion, the TV brothers documented the warm embrace on their respective Instagram accounts, each captioning the pic “Hug me…” “HUG ME!” Just like old times, you guys! Are these tears trickling down our cheeks?

This development feels especially good after the *slight* squabble between the old friends this year over a wedding invite (which thankfully, all got worked out and was attributed to a “cranky moment.” Been there, guys).

And now, that hug:

We can sleep easier tonight knowing that our two favorite brothas have finally hugged after so much tension. Even though they were never *technically* related in Drake & Josh, Nickelodeon’s orange blood is thicker than water.

Peck married longtime girlfriend Paige O’Brien earlier this year in a ceremony in Malibu, California (and yes, that is John Stamos on the right!

H also does a ton of voice over work in animated movies. And meanwhile, Drake’s been crushing it with his music career and touring.

So glad these guys made some time for old friends last night…and for hugs.