Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are reuniting in our hour of greatest need

It’s been almost a decade since Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert worked together on The Daily Show. Since then, Colbert had his eponymous spin-off late night show (RIP Colbert Report),and then succeeded David Letterman on The Late Show, where Colbert has now been the host for the past two years. Meanwhile, Stewart continued to host The Daily Show until 2015, and currently has a 4-year deal with HBO.

We are pleased to inform you that the band is getting back together, and Colbert and Stewart are reuniting on Colbert’s Late Show to do live coverage of the Republican National Convention on Monday night!

via giphy

It hasn’t been revealed what Stewart’s role in the coverage will be yet, or if he’ll be hanging out on the show past Monday, but Vulture confirms that Colbert will be anchoring the show from New York while Stewart will be on location at the RNC in Cleveland as a correspondent. So the two will be geographically separated, but united in their mission to cover the circus the convention is expected to be. Stewart is by no means the only special guest that will be gracing The Late Show, Senator Elizabeth Warren, John Oliver, Jeff Daniels, Keegan-Michael Key and former U.S. Congressman Anthony Weiner will also be making appearances during the convention episodes!

As The Hollywood Reporter informs us, Colbert has two weeks of coverage planned for the Republican and Democratic conventions, which he is calling “The 2016 Trumpublican Donational Conventrump” and “The 2016 Democratic National Convincing A Technically Historic Event: Death. Taxes. Hillary.”

Doesn’t matter which side of the aisle you’re on, this is going to be some serious (funny) entertainment. Start popping that popcorn, everyone, we got two weeks of choice viewing coming at us.

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