JoJo’s new music video is giving us all the feels
WARNING: Do not watch if you don’t want to be a sobbing sack of tears.
JoJo has dropped a music video for her latest single, “Music,” and man, is it heavy.
The video is solely comprised of home videos and vintage clips of JoJo performing and recording throughout her childhood.
Started singing just to get some attention A melody to cut through the addiction And every song I made turned into wishes Some of them came true
Tell me who, who would I be without you? No matter how much we lose Every time I bet my life on you
The lyrics make clear her devotion to music, but can also read as a love letter to her mother. JoJo’s parents divorced when she was four years old, and she was raised by her mother.
But toward the end of the song, JoJo sings about losing her father, who passed away last year. Her father appears in the video clips, proudly watching his daughter sing on-stage.
My only hope is that he’s looking down Thinking, Oh my god, my daughter’s doing it now.
JoJo is coming out with her first full-length album in more than a decade. We’re certain her father is overcome with pride, just as we’re certain that we’re weeping all over our keyboards after watching this.