John Oliver just set the record straight on Facebook privacy settings

This week, another Facebook privacy settings hoax made the rounds long enough to scare people into sharing the post. Facebook staffers debunked the post, but that wasn’t enough. We need some John Oliver up in here.

These privacy statements and their serious language may seem like they carry some iota of protection for the people who use them, but as Oliver pointed out on a special online segment of Last Week Tonight posted to Facebook on Wednesday, writing a post prohibiting Facebook from violating your privacy does nothing to protect you from, well, Facebook violating your privacy.

“Posting these [I do declare the following] statements is meaningless, no matter how serious their language may be,” says Oliver in the online clip. “Just because you say something in the voice of a Southern debutante does not make it legally binding.”

Check out the whole hilarious, Mark Zuckerberg-approved clip right here.

(Image via HBO)


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