Joe Biden signed *that* picture of himself for two fans, proving he’s still got it

Say whatever you want to about former Vice President Joe Biden, but you have to admit he’s got a sense of humor. After winning the internet (and our hearts) with all of the Biden-Obama bromance memes, Joe Biden signed a picture of his young self for a fan, proving once and for all he’s the goofiest politician America’s ever had — in a good way.

You might remember that a viral photo of a Young Joe Biden was making it’s way around the internet last fall. People were into it. Basically, Joe Biden was sort of a babe back in the day. It’s a little weird to lust after the man who says “malarky” without irony, but hey, no judgement.

Anyway, after giving a speech at George Mason University on Wednesday, two young women approached him with a blown up version of the picture (that has been hanging in their kitchen as a poster FOR MONTHS) and asked him to sign it. Ravin Hassan and Milena Michael told BuzzFeed that Crazy Uncle Joe was all about it. Michael explained:

“He laughed so hard. He told us that this [was taken] the weekend that he met his wife.”

OF COURSE HE DID. Biden also joked about the fact that the picture was taken when he “still had hair.” Because every jovial old man makes a bald joke within at least three minutes of meeting younger people, and Joe Biden is jovial AF.

He wrote on the poster, “keep the faith!” and “change the culture!” which is just what many young women on college campuses need to hear right now. Biden’s speech was about rape culture on campuses yesterday, an issue he has dedicated himself to ever since he wrote a letter to the Stanford sexual assault survivor last summer.

Biden made some pretty strong points in his speech the at George Mason, noting that it’s up to men to change the culture, too. And that men don’t have to be advocates for women just because maybe they know a woman who was assaulted, which is a really good point that unfortunately still has to be made when it comes to recruiting male allies in the fight against rape culture. He said:

"Everybody thinks that maybe my mom or sister was abused, thank God to the best of my knowledge that was not the fact. But my dad used to say the greatest sin a man or woman could commit was the abuse of power... Rape and sexual assault are not about sex. They’re about power.

Biden added, “Our society is going to be judged by future generations about our civility and our decency. One of the measures we’re going to be looked at is how did we deal with this issue? There is never a culture of justification for any of this. Brutality is brutality. Human rights are basic.”

All jokes about young Joe Biden aside, the former veep is anything but crazy. He actually makes a lot of sense. Props to him for not mincing words about rape culture and taking the time to autograph that poster. Keep the faith.

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